
Camp Shower Privacy

I really like camping at a campground with a shower house. That reduces a ton of what I need to pack for hygeine. Most of the campgrounds I have been at have had meticulously clean shower houses, which is great! That leaves one tiny little detail: privacy!

I picked up a little tip one year while camping at the Carolina Beach State Park campground. It was one of my first trips there, actually. A kind woman noticed I was trying to hold a beach towel up so my young daughter could shower without being gawked at. She was on her last day and gave me such a cheap gift that forever changed my camp shower house routine.

A cheapie plastic table cloth and duct tape.

Yep, you read that right. It was one of those lightbulb moments, and I almost felt foolish for not thinking of it myself! She was on her last day, so she passed the torch, or the tablecloth in this case, on to myself. Finally, no more tired arms as my daughter washed the shampoo out of her hair! No more self conscious worrying about how big my butt looked! It was as if the heavens opened and the angels sang!

Simply tape the corners up over the shower opening, and when finished, loop the ends of the tape back onto itself. This also gives you stronger corners, and you just tape right on top of them the next time. Brilliant!

So always packed away in my camping equipment you will find a disposable plastic table cloth. Usually with duct tape on two of the corners. There are tons of other uses for these at the campsite, the original intended use would be the obvious first choice. Covering things you don't want to get damp during a brief rain is another. They are also very thin, so they pack away to almost nothing. I fold mine up several times and leave it in a Ziploc bag.

For those camping without a shower house, and using a shower in a bag or just needing a changing station, you can also tape them up to a tree or tie them to a car, you may need a little creativity and rope to achieve this, but the size is just right if you can manage it.

I'm always for finding cheap, easy, and lightweight fixes for making every day life easier while camping!

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